
How ordinary citizens and businesses can help waste paper shortages this holiday season
Separate your recyclables from your rubbish. That’s the message from RecyclePaperZA, whether you’re home or away this festive season. The paper recycling arm of the Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA) also urges resorts, hotels and guest houses to make it easier for guests to separate their waste. On average, 1.1 million tonnes of […]

Critical waste paper shortages in South Africa
JOHANNESBURG, December 13, 2021 – The South African paper recycling industry is facing a critical shortage of various grades of waste paper, in particular pre-consumer (K3) and post-consumer (K4) brown/kraft cardboard. The Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA) believes that this trend will continue, putting further pressure on domestic paper mills in the run up […]

Sappi employees embrace safety-first approach – Over 80% have chosen to vaccinate against Covid-19; vaccine mandate introduced
Sappi’s response to the Coronavirus pandemic and Covid-19 focuses on three elements: keeping our people safe, supporting those in need, and ensuring that our business adapts to the new realities so as to emerge stronger and more able to deliver on our purpose of building a thriving world and our Thrive25 strategy for growth. Commenting […]

Youth entrepreneurship programme finds opportunity in climate crisis
The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s landmark report paints a daunting picture for humanity. But a new Primestars programme shows youngsters how to harness a potential silver lining for both the planet and job-hungry South Africans: new employment opportunities in the green economy. September and Ocotber saw the roll-out of the edutainment film, Karabo’s […]

How the paper industry is the epitome of the circular economy
How the paper industry is the epitome of the circular economy JOHANNESBURG – October 27, 2021 – Even before extended producer responsibility (EPR) was mandated by the South African Government in May 2021, the pulp and paper manufacturing and recycling sector has been embarking on process and production innovation to reduce its environmental footprint, divert […]

Sappi collaborates with WWF-SA for water security
Sappi has entered into a Water Stewardship agreement with WWF-SA (World Wide Fund for Nature South Africa), aimed at improving the water security in the uMkhomazi catchment area. With its significant manufacturing and forestry footprint in this catchment area, which forms part of the Southern Drakensberg Strategic Water Source Area in KwaZulu-Natal, it makes sense […]

WasteAid Announces Winners of Zero Waste Cities Challenge
Two local entrepreneurs in Johannesburg have been awarded €10,000 to support businesses to transforming food waste into valuable products and to combat illegal dumpingAs the population of Johannesburg grows, so does its waste. Currently 10% waste is recycled and there is potential for this to be much higher*. Preserving resources and reducing reliance on landfill […]

Two Sides global Anti-Greenwash Campaign: Over 810 Companies Removed Misleading Anti-Paper Statements
Since the campaign began in 2010, Two Sides has successfully challenged over 810 global organisations that subject their customers to repeated greenwashing messages which are damaging to the paper, print and mailing industry.With huge pressures on the economy; banks, telecom providers, utility companies and even governmental organisations are increasingly focused on switching their customers from […]

Government issues packaging design guidelines for comment
The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment has published the Packaging Guideline: Recyclability by Design for Packaging and Paper in South Africa. Stakeholders and members of the public are invited to submit their comments within 30 days of the notice, i.e. 6 November.
FSC® Friday 2021: 24 September “Save our Forests. Save our Climate”
What solutions will COP26 bring to the climate change debate? The world waits with bated breath as the international score card will be completed on signatories’ progress in achieving their climate change goals. As the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) and its supporters celebrate its international name day, FSC Friday, on 24 September, FSC reconfirms its […]

How ordinary citizens and businesses can help waste paper shortages this holiday season
Separate your recyclables from your rubbish. That’s the message from RecyclePaperZA, whether you’re home or away this festive season. The paper recycling arm of the Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA) also urges resorts, hotels and guest houses to make it easier for guests to separate their waste. On average, 1.1 million tonnes of […]

Critical waste paper shortages in South Africa
JOHANNESBURG, December 13, 2021 – The South African paper recycling industry is facing a critical shortage of various grades of waste paper, in particular pre-consumer (K3) and post-consumer (K4) brown/kraft cardboard. The Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA) believes that this trend will continue, putting further pressure on domestic paper mills in the run up […]

Sappi employees embrace safety-first approach – Over 80% have chosen to vaccinate against Covid-19; vaccine mandate introduced
Sappi’s response to the Coronavirus pandemic and Covid-19 focuses on three elements: keeping our people safe, supporting those in need, and ensuring that our business adapts to the new realities so as to emerge stronger and more able to deliver on our purpose of building a thriving world and our Thrive25 strategy for growth. Commenting […]

Youth entrepreneurship programme finds opportunity in climate crisis
The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s landmark report paints a daunting picture for humanity. But a new Primestars programme shows youngsters how to harness a potential silver lining for both the planet and job-hungry South Africans: new employment opportunities in the green economy. September and Ocotber saw the roll-out of the edutainment film, Karabo’s […]

How the paper industry is the epitome of the circular economy
How the paper industry is the epitome of the circular economy JOHANNESBURG – October 27, 2021 – Even before extended producer responsibility (EPR) was mandated by the South African Government in May 2021, the pulp and paper manufacturing and recycling sector has been embarking on process and production innovation to reduce its environmental footprint, divert […]

Sappi collaborates with WWF-SA for water security
Sappi has entered into a Water Stewardship agreement with WWF-SA (World Wide Fund for Nature South Africa), aimed at improving the water security in the uMkhomazi catchment area. With its significant manufacturing and forestry footprint in this catchment area, which forms part of the Southern Drakensberg Strategic Water Source Area in KwaZulu-Natal, it makes sense […]

WasteAid Announces Winners of Zero Waste Cities Challenge
Two local entrepreneurs in Johannesburg have been awarded €10,000 to support businesses to transforming food waste into valuable products and to combat illegal dumpingAs the population of Johannesburg grows, so does its waste. Currently 10% waste is recycled and there is potential for this to be much higher*. Preserving resources and reducing reliance on landfill […]

Two Sides global Anti-Greenwash Campaign: Over 810 Companies Removed Misleading Anti-Paper Statements
Since the campaign began in 2010, Two Sides has successfully challenged over 810 global organisations that subject their customers to repeated greenwashing messages which are damaging to the paper, print and mailing industry.With huge pressures on the economy; banks, telecom providers, utility companies and even governmental organisations are increasingly focused on switching their customers from […]

Government issues packaging design guidelines for comment
The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment has published the Packaging Guideline: Recyclability by Design for Packaging and Paper in South Africa. Stakeholders and members of the public are invited to submit their comments within 30 days of the notice, i.e. 6 November.
FSC® Friday 2021: 24 September “Save our Forests. Save our Climate”
What solutions will COP26 bring to the climate change debate? The world waits with bated breath as the international score card will be completed on signatories’ progress in achieving their climate change goals. As the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) and its supporters celebrate its international name day, FSC Friday, on 24 September, FSC reconfirms its […]