Twinsaver Says No Need to Panic Buy, Mzansi
Twinsaver Says No Need To Panic Buy, Mzansi

Toilet paper shortages have been one of the big features of the global Coronavirus pandemic. But Twinsaver says there should be enough stock for everyone in South Africa if we all shop responsibly and buy just what we need.
Panic buying has been a standout feature of the global Coronavirus pandemic. Supermarkets in many societies – including the UK, the USA and Australia – are routinely being cleaned out of essential supplies by worried shoppers. And toilet paper has been the most highly prized item of all.
Thankfully, one of South Africa’s leading hygiene brands and biggest suppliers of toilet paper, Twinsaver, has assured the country that its people are working tirelessly to make sure that supplies of essential hygiene products, including toilet paper, reach stores as quickly as possible.
‘There was initial pressure on supply lines last week when president Ramaphosa announced the introduction of emergency virus measures, but we’ve ramped up production and distribution in response and stocks are being sent daily to retailers across the country,’ says Chevonne Wilkins, Twinsaver Marketing Director. ‘There is no reason to panic. We are producing all the time to fill up shelves.’
Wilkins goes on to asks consumers to shop responsibly and think of others as the country’s anti-COVID measures ratchet up.
‘Even in a lock down situation we have to think of others, particularly the most vulnerable in our society,’ she says. ‘Panic buying when there is no shortage serves no positive function at all. Every consumer should simply buy to meet their family’s immediate needs. In uncertain times we need to support each other as much as possible, and shopping carefully is an excellent place to start.’