
PRASA changes name to RecyclePaperZA
The Paper Recycling Association of South Africa (PRASA), the 15-year-old paper recycling arm of the Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA), has a new name and identity: RecyclePaperZA.“For the past few years, members of the public have increasingly confused us with the state-owned enterprise, PRASA,” explains PAMSA executive director Jane Molony. “We have often […]
Manufacturers Commit To Local Procurement As A Means To Job Creation
The Manufacturing Circle – the voice for the South African manufacturing industry – is participating in the Jobs Summit this week. The Manufacturing Circle’s purpose is to promote the interests of manufacturers to enable job-rich growth in the South African economy. Says Philippa Rodseth, executive director, “The Jobs Summit is particularly relevant as the manufacturing […]
Does print still have a future?
When English comedian, actor & social commentator, Stephen Fry, tweeted about the effect that digital signage has on print, his words were profound – “One technology doesn’t replace another, it complements it – books are no more threatened by Kindle than stairs by elevators! Just as video didn’t kill the radio star in the 70s […]

Waste Stops With ME
Uniting to stop waste at Montecasino for National Recycle Week“You can’t change the world; you can’t fix the whole environment. But you can recycle.” Patti Smith, musician.Tsogo Sun and Montecasino, in partnership with Miss Earth South Africa, hosted a Waste Dialogue at the Montecasino Recycling Depot on Thursday, 13 September during Clean-up and Recycle SA […]
Yes, you can recycle your paper cups and beverage cartons!
We use them every day. Cartons of milk. Boxes of juice. Cups of take-away coffee on the way to work. A bowl of popcorn and our favourite soft drink at the movies. All of these containers have two things in common: they are made mostly of paperboard and are now recyclable in South Africa. Paper […]
Seven habits of effective recyclers
Recycling. A word that fills you with delight or dread. Perhaps you’ve tried recycling but couldn’t find anywhere to drop your items off. Maybe you’re hooked and love to see how little waste from your home or office goes to landfill. Or maybe you’re trying but you feel you’re missing the mark somewhere. The Paper […]

Recycling Waste Into Paper
On Tuesday 4 September, the Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA) and Mpact Recycling hosted a group of journalists at the Mpact Paper Springs mill, taking them on a tour of the mill. This gave them an opportunity to see the ins and outs of the paper recycling process. Speaking at the event, John Hunt, […]
Recycling Waste Into Paper – Paper Recycling features on eNCA
On Tuesday 4 September, the Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA) and Mpact Recycling hosted a group of journalists at the Mpact Paper Springs mill, taking them on a tour of the mill. This gave them an opportunity to see the ins and outs of the paper recycling process.Speaking at the event, John Hunt, […]
Forestry Explained reaches 1000 followers on Instagram!
A huge thank you to everyone who has been involved in our Forestry Explained Instagram campaign, @forestry_explained. Your ongoing support – in the form of beautiful imagery – has made this possible.At the start of the year, we had less than 100 followers; by middle of Feb this figure had risen to 229. This inspired […]


PRASA changes name to RecyclePaperZA
The Paper Recycling Association of South Africa (PRASA), the 15-year-old paper recycling arm of the Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA), has a new name and identity: RecyclePaperZA. “For the past few years, members of the public have increasingly confused us with the state-owned enterprise, PRASA,” explains PAMSA executive director Jane Molony. “We have […]
Manufacturers Commit To Local Procurement As A Means To Job Creation
The Manufacturing Circle – the voice for the South African manufacturing industry – is participating in the Jobs Summit this week. The Manufacturing Circle’s purpose is to promote the interests of manufacturers to enable job-rich growth in the South African economy. Says Philippa Rodseth, executive director, “The Jobs Summit is particularly relevant as the manufacturing […]
Does print still have a future?
When English comedian, actor & social commentator, Stephen Fry, tweeted about the effect that digital signage has on print, his words were profound – “One technology doesn’t replace another, it complements it – books are no more threatened by Kindle than stairs by elevators! Just as video didn’t kill the radio star in the 70s […]

Waste Stops With ME
Uniting to stop waste at Montecasino for National Recycle Week“You can’t change the world; you can’t fix the whole environment. But you can recycle.” Patti Smith, musician.Tsogo Sun and Montecasino, in partnership with Miss Earth South Africa, hosted a Waste Dialogue at the Montecasino Recycling Depot on Thursday, 13 September during Clean-up and Recycle SA […]
Yes, you can recycle your paper cups and beverage cartons!
We use them every day. Cartons of milk. Boxes of juice. Cups of take-away coffee on the way to work. A bowl of popcorn and our favourite soft drink at the movies. All of these containers have two things in common: they are made mostly of paperboard and are now recyclable in South Africa. Paper […]
Seven habits of effective recyclers
Recycling. A word that fills you with delight or dread. Perhaps you’ve tried recycling but couldn’t find anywhere to drop your items off. Maybe you’re hooked and love to see how little waste from your home or office goes to landfill. Or maybe you’re trying but you feel you’re missing the mark somewhere. The Paper […]

Recycling Waste Into Paper
On Tuesday 4 September, the Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA) and Mpact Recycling hosted a group of journalists at the Mpact Paper Springs mill, taking them on a tour of the mill. This gave them an opportunity to see the ins and outs of the paper recycling process. Speaking at the event, John Hunt, […]
Recycling Waste Into Paper – Paper Recycling features on eNCA
On Tuesday 4 September, the Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA) and Mpact Recycling hosted a group of journalists at the Mpact Paper Springs mill, taking them on a tour of the mill. This gave them an opportunity to see the ins and outs of the paper recycling process.Speaking at the event, John Hunt, […]
Forestry Explained reaches 1000 followers on Instagram!
A huge thank you to everyone who has been involved in our Forestry Explained Instagram campaign, @forestry_explained. Your ongoing support – in the form of beautiful imagery – has made this possible.At the start of the year, we had less than 100 followers; by middle of Feb this figure had risen to 229. This inspired […]